The Daily Tofu

A place for art, culture, history, and creation


Meta: On Wellness and Updates

MetaTrey TakahashiComment

We've come a long way in this blog over the past couple of months. Out of the ashes and revived with new posts and work coming in from a host of different places. It's exciting to see just how things have come together. And in the heat of it all, I do apologize for the frequency coming to a halt. Amidst a massive neck cramp and other unrelated health issues, I had to take a step back, unable to sit for a long enough time to write out a few articles to be posted. Depth and quality take precedent over a large quantity of incomplete posts.

It has without a doubt been exciting to see this place grow again after it had been dead for awhile. We have had several people participating in things such as the weekly photo scavenger hunts, and submitting ideas and their thoughts for other changes as well. That is a tremendously exciting to see, the slow growth of our viewership develop. This place has been, and always will be a hub to learn and live in all the facets of life and culture which we all enjoy; thank you all on joining us for the ride.

This week we'll be turning the switch back on and pressing forward with some new exciting stuff. Thanks for all the support folks, thanks for hanging on!

-Trey Takahashi